Best Quotes of Albert Camus

Albert Camus was a French philosopher, who won the Nobel prize in literature. He was the second-youngest recipient in history to win it. Camus began his work on the second cycle while he was in Algeria, in the last months of 1942, just as the Germans were reaching North Africa. In the second cycle, Camus used Prometheus, who is depicted as a revolutionary humanist, to highlight the nuances between revolution and rebellion. He analyses various aspects of rebellion, its metaphysics, its connection to politics, and examines it under the lens of modernity, of historicity and the absence of a God Some of his best works are inspired by millions around the world. Here are some of the best Albert Camus quotes.

1.“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”

2.“Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.”

3.“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”

4.“Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.”

5.“Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee?”

short quotes about life from Albert Camus

6.“Live to the point of tears.”

7.“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow

Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead

Walk beside me… just be my friend”

8.“You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question.”

9.“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”

10.“But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.”

11.“Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.”

12.“I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn’t.”

13.“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”

14.“When I look at my life and its secret colours, I feel like bursting into tears.”

15.“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.”

16.“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.

17.“Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.”

18.“To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.”

inspirational albert camus quotes

19.“I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world.”

20.“The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.”

21.“I used to advertise my loyalty and I don’t believe there is a single person I loved that I didn’t eventually betray.”

22.“In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion.”

23.“At the heart of all beauty lies something inhuman.”

24.“When the soul suffers too much, it develops a taste for misfortune.”

25.“Do not wait for the last judgment. It comes every day.”

26. “But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?”

Best Quotes of Albert Camus

27. “A man’s work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.”

28.“I have no idea what’s awaiting me, or what will happen when this all ends. For the moment I know this: there are sick people and they need curing.”

29.“The innocent is the person who explains nothing”

30.“The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits.”

31.“The human heart has a tiresome tendency to label as fate only what crushes it. But happiness likewise, in its way, is without reason, since it is inevitable.”

32.“Virtue cannot separate itself from reality without becoming a principle of evil.”

33.“There will be no lasting peace either in the heart of individuals or in social customs until death is outlawed.”

34.“You have to be very rich or very poor to live without a trade.”

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