Why is Goal Setting important?

The promise of the future is an awesome force, we look back for experience but we have to look forward to now for inspiration. And what gives us the inspiration to wake up every morning and do our job, learn skills, and develop all that we can possibly be is the promise of the future. And it can be so powerful that it can overwhelm any adversity you might have, and difficulties you might have. So why is it important to set goals?

Goal setting benefits

Here are some excellent goal-setting benefits that you may find the need to go through it.

“Reasons makes the difference in how your life works out”

Reasons make the difference in your appetite and zest for taking on the challenge, doing the job, and becoming successful.

“If you have enough reasons you can do the most incredible things, you can get through the most difficult day, you can overcome most unbelievable challenges if you have enough reasons”

Mr. Shoaff

If you have not listed your goals, you probably don’t have enough reasons. You can have enough intelligence, enough good health, and all of the other things working for you but here’s what you must work on now, is to have enough reasons. Looking into the future developing reasons.

It is important to make a note that the greatest pull on your life is the pull of the future. Some people let their past pull them back, the past can be like gravity if you let it pull you back. Some people live in the past. They live in the darkness of the past, they live in the mistakes of the past. They live in the discouragement of the past, they didn’t make it, and that affects them for the rest of their life. So, we don’t want the past to pull us back, to live in the past.

“Dreams and goals can become magnets”

The Stronger the goal, the higher the purpose, the more powerful the objective, the stronger this magnet is that pulls you in that direction. Now, not only do your objectives pull you in that direction, they pull you through. They pull you through all kinds of down days. They pull you through a difficult time. Some people get lost in the confusion of the day, simply because their goals are not bright enough to pull them through.

Why would the farmer put the plow on the ground in the spring if he couldn’t see the vision of the harvest when summer is finished?

Is it possible to see the finished harvest and the answer is yes? We do that simply by faith.

Faith is the ability to see things that don’t yet exist

Start looking into the future of what you would like to accomplish and where you would like to go, the person you would like to be, and see if you get the objective of the finished objective. See yourself there, see yourself in the possession of.

For the dreams to greatly influence you, for the future to pull you, your future must be well planned. There are two ways to face the future. One is with the apprehension, the other is with the anticipation. Do not bring someone else’s view on how to live. When you have planned the future you can get excited about it, when you have designed future results in advance. In this way, your future will capture your imagination. It will exert an enormous influence on you. And to design your future you must have goals.

Well-defined goals are like magnets, the better you have described them, the better you have defined them, the harder you work on them the stronger they pull. And they pull you through all kinds of difficulties too.

Without goals, it is easy to let life deteriorate to the point where you’re just making a living. It is not difficult to get trapped by economic necessity and settle for existence rather than substance. We all have a choice we can either make a living or design life.

Goal setting is one of the most important skills to develop if you want to design your future.

“First Inspire yourself to set goals, because without Self-inspiration there is less commitment to achieve the goal.”

Charan, Firstinspire.com
Write down your long-range goals
  • What five things have you already accomplished that you’re proud of? Let’s take some credit before we move on to the future, we’ve accomplished some things in the past. Let’s give ourselves credit for that. Make a list of five things that you think you are proud of.
  • What do you want in the next 10 years? Make a list of at least 50 items. Now, this is not what you think you can get, this is what you want. If everything fell into place and you could have anything you wanted in the next 10 years, what would that list be? What would it really do for you for the next 10 years?
  • Consider this while making the list, what do I want to see?, what do I want to be?, What do I want to have? where do I want to go? and what would I like to share?
  • These are long-range goals spend a little time writing about it.
  • The key is to put everything on the list, the key is to take everything out of your mind and put everything on paper.
  • You can dream about what you want, but when you start committing it to paper now, it more formalizes.
  • Information now starts to make a composite of an idea. Ideas can turn into enterprises, ideas can turn into a fabulous career.
  • We need the information and we need the stimulation.
  • Some habits you like to make, some habits you like to drop, someones you like to acquire.
  • Number each of your goals, and the number should denote how long it would take for you to finish in years or months. So number them so that you could make sure you reach them at certain years.
  • After you make the list, start making the selections. What really might be important to what might just be sort of fun?
  • When the why starts to grow the how starts simple. So remember why do you want to do these goals and how will eventually come to you.
  • There is plenty of help available, so reach out to those people if you can’t pull off your goals.

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