12 Rules for life Book summary

12 rules for life is written by Jordan B. Peterson, in this book he narrates some of the little things we overlook in a chaotic life and some of the important things we need to keep in mind as life moves along. Here is a short summary of the 12 rules for life.

  • We have become so obsessed with achieving the state of constant happiness that it became a silver bullet of a kind.
  • Striving to eliminate anything even slightly negative from our lives,we misunderstand what happiness is really about.
  • We long for order, which means arranging our internal and external worlds to make them known and understandable.
  • We want to bring everything possible to escape the Chaos.
  • Because of all this innumerable anxieties, as well as possibilities, smolder.

Order can become excessive, and that’s not good, but chaos can swamp us, so we drown and that is also good we need to stay on the straight and narrow path.

Jordan.B. Peterson
  • We are not alone in this world. Other people come our way. We choose to interact with them, be it friendship or rivalry if we share the same belief system.
  • It is much easier to find common ground when we depart from the same point. Matching beliefs that turn into experiences help us establish bonds of trust.
  • We don’t have to pursue the order single handedly. People who think alike can be our allies.
  • Serotonin is crucial for survival, higher serotonin levels denote a higher spot in the dominance hierarchy.
  • We feel more confident and with our confident at it’s highest, we experience less misery and sickness. This hormone makes us less prone to dying.
  • For example, a lobster with high levels of serotonin is cocky, not likely to back down when challenged.
  • The lack of this hormone results in a low level of self confidence, it means more pain , less happiness, a shorter life span, and more illness among both humans and the crustaceans.
  • Walking upright helped early humans free their hands and use them to manipulate tools.
  • Today shrugging shoulders is a conscious choice. As you make it, you agree to accept the responsibilities of life voluntarily.
  • We are not mere tool operators anymore. We have the potential to create by transforming chaos into the realities of habitable order.
  • We have the potential to create and transforming chaos into the realities of habitable order.
  • Be assertive, say what you believe is right. You need to realize that your desires are just a important as anyone else’s.
  • You have the right to want things for yourself.
  • If your soul hurts?how likely are you to go and get professional treatment?
  • To suffer terribly and to know yourself as the cause. That is hell.
  • Chaos us always there it just breeds just about any possibility to do good and evil.
  • We all try to make things right, reflecting our strive for bringing order into our lives.
  • Spell out who you are it is not given to us.
  • Refine your personality. Start now by treating yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.
  • Choose people who care for you and don’t compare yourself to others.
  • We let into our life the people we need the most at the moment. When we are happy, we go for other happy ones; when we are broken and depressed, we reach out to people going through the same thing.
  • Sometimes we might find ourselves repulsed by others character traits.
  • Psychologists believe that whatever irritates you about another person, you despise about yourself.
  • The majority of people think that helping others is a good deed. However, these others, the victims, might not need to help itself. Instead they would like to feast upon the energy of the rescuer.
  • When you dars aspire upward, you reveal the inadequacy of the present and the promise of the future.
  • It requires strength to surround yourself with healthy people who wants the best for you. They should also be mature and self sufficient so that you could also learn from them.
  • You need to use your judgement, build courage, and protect yourself from pity and too uncritical compassion.
  • It is only appropriate to be around those whose lives will improve if yours improved.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others no matter how good you are at getting things done, there will always be others out there who are better.
  • For example, you may be a decent swimmer, but obviously, you are not Michael Phelps or Katie ledecky.
  • A small percentage of people produce pretty much everything.
  • Winner takes all is a very dramatic saying. However, people, who are the best at what they do, get more acces to resources and attention. The majority of us are not the best. We are ordinary people who shine or tarnish at times.
  • We need to make peace with our downs, they are common thing.
  • Whenever we succeed, we should compare our success to our previous history of accomplishments, not ourselves to other people.
  • None of us are worthless, it is pretty destructive thought that causes us even more damage.
  • We need to create a positive illusion,if fhat helps, and try to make it a reality.
  • Humans are not equal in ability or outcome, and never will be.
  • When you persuade yourself that you are irrelevant, you are not doing a deep philosophical analysis but succumbing to rationalizing mind games.
  • Raise your children to be decent people and organize your immediate space first.
  • Most violent people are children at the age of 2. They start exploring the world and limits of what is allowed.
  • Children don’t cry only out of sadness or pain.
  • Crying out of anger is an act of dominance, and parents should treat it as such.
  • There should be a balanced upbringing, performed with exceptional care.
  • Observe what your child is doing now, reinforce the positive aspects of their actions.
  • We still can fall victims to the wrong doings of others.
  • When that happens, some of us break and resort to violent behavioral patterns.
  • Only a few find the strength to forgive and move on.
  • When we pay insufficient attention to it, corruption finds its way in.
  • Some tend to blame god for this as if we hold no responsibility for our lives.
  • We should ask ourselves whether we have exhausted all our opportunities and used our potential to the fullest.
  • A hurricane in am act of God. But failure to prepare,when the necessity for preparation is well known that’s sin.
  • Use your good judgement and willpower, and stop blaming others for everything that went awry in your life.
  • Getting rid of self destructive behaviour we become stronger and get to see clearer into the future.
  • Concentrate on what matters and stop lying.
  • If you find yourself living in a world you don’t like, start reviewing your values.
  • Good and evil are the attached values that come with the work of our self consciousness
  • Many of us postpone the pleasure of living today for the sake of preparing for the future.
  • Life lie follows the presupposition that there is only one unchangeable truth we should stick to.
  • Creating a perfect image of what your life should look like is very harmful because there are too many variables to consider.
  • The inability to implement your dream could lead to stress and anxiety, as you won’t be living the life you have but the life you imagine.
  • To tell the truth is to bring the most habitable reality into being.
  • Your truth about us your narrative that grows out of our unique circumstances.
  • Knowing our personal truth provides a solid ground underneath our feet.
  • Listen to others and word your thoughts carefully.
  • There is a clear distinction between listening and hearing.
  • When we listen,we let the thoughts and ideas pass through our psyche. They cling to our consciousness and have it digest them.
  • If the conversation seems boring, you are not actually listening to it.
  • When you take your time to listen carefully, people will tell you everything they are thinking, with very little deceit.
  • Our brain makes the reality into words as long as the objects they signify are meaningful to us.
  • When you have something to say, silence is a lie.
  • You need to see a clear picture of where you were in the past, how your actions led you to be the person you are today.
  • Formulate your meaningful things and move towards them.
  • Win your own heirarchy and preserve your strength.
  • When given the opportunity, we prefer to live on the edge. This is how we build confidence in our experiences.
  • Most of us enjoy taking risks, as it enliven us, making us ready for the future while still enjoying the present.
  • It took untold generations to get you where you are. A little gratitude might be in order. If you’re going to insist on bending the world your way, you better have your reasons.
  • There are two types of sufferings, one that is incited on others which we can’t avoid for reasons untold.
  • Another kind of suffering is the suffering for the sake of suffering. Many derive pleasure in this self inflicted torture.
  • We tend to chose suffering over strength when we are reluctant to resolve complicated life situations.
  • Our brains gets used to chemical and hormonal bombs and tells our body that suffering is the only emotion it wants to experience.
  • There are many things to be thankful for each day.
  • When you try to concentrate on the positive ones, you will see that they outweigh the nuisances.
  • Make good things happen and help yourself preserve the strength you carry in you.
  • Some of us experiment, take risks and thus learn about the World around us and our ourselves.
  • There are others who prefer staying in their protective, yet imaginary shell. They think that going slow doesn’t prevent arriving. However there is very little movement in the shell.
  • Both approaches define the way we choose to interact with reality.
  • When you know the truth about yourself, your truth, you can open yourself to the world.
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