Alexandre Dumas Quotes

Alexandre Dumas was a French writer. His works have been translated into many languages and he is one of the most widely read French authors. Many of his historical novels of high adventure were originally published as serials, including The Count of Monte CristoThe Three MusketeersTwenty Years After, and The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later. His novels have been adapted since the early twentieth century into nearly 200 films. Quotes can inspire us and motivate us, so here are some of the Alexandre Dumas quotes.

“For all evils there are two remedies – time and silence.”

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.”

“Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit.”

“Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss.”

“Moral wounds have this peculiarity – they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.”

Alexandre Dumas

“Those born to wealth, and who have the means of gratifying every wish, know not what is the real happiness of life, just as those who have been tossed on the stormy waters of the ocean on a few frail planks can alone realize the blessings of fair weather.”

“There are two ways of seeing: with the body and with the soul. The body’s sight can sometimes forget, but the soul remembers forever.”

“True love always makes a man better, no matter what woman inspires it.”

“Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: we must fight in order to conquer it.”

“Never fear quarrels, but seek hazardous adventures.”

Alexandre Dumas

“I prefer the wicked rather than the foolish. The wicked sometimes rest.”

“When you compare the sorrows of real life to the pleasures of the imaginary one, you will never want to live again, only to dream forever.”

“We are always in a hurry to be happy…; for when we have suffered a long time, we have great difficulty in believing in good fortune.”

“The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates.”

“Unfortunates, who ought to begin with God, do not have any hope in him till they have exhausted all other means of deliverance.”

Alexandre Dumas Quotes

“So rapid is the flight of dreams upon the wings of imagination.”

“He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.”

“I am strong against everything, except against the death of those I love. He who dies gains; he who sees others die loses.”

Alexandre Dumas

“What a fool I was, not to tear my heart out on the day when I resolved to avenge myself!”

“Yet man will never be perfect until he learns to create and destroy; he does know how to destroy, and that is half the battle.”

“You who weep for pleasures fled, While dragging on a life of care, All your woes will melt in air, If to god your tears are shed, You who Weap!”

“The custom and fashion of today will be the awkwardness and outrage of tomorrow – so arbitrary are these transient laws.”


“There is no friendship that cares about an overheard secret.”

“That is a dream also; only he has remained asleep, while you have awakened; and who knows which of you is the most fortunate?”

“Time, dear friend, time brings round opportunity; opportunity is the martingale of man. The more we have ventured the more we gain, when we know how to wait.”

Alexandre Dumas Quotes

“Your bitter memories still have time to turn into sweet ones.”

“Sometimes one has suffered enough to have the right to never say: I am too happy.”

“Mastery of language affords one remarkable opportunities.”

“So much the worse for those who fear wine, for it is because they have some bad thoughts which they are afraid the liquor will extract from their hearts.”

haste is a poor counselor

“There are misfortunes in life that no one will accept; people would rather believe in the supernatural and the impossible.”

Alexandre Dumas

“Misfortune does not help us to believe.”

“To learn is not to know; there are the learners and the learned. Memory makes the one, philosophy the others.”

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