Steal Like an Artist book summary

Steal Like an Artist is a book written by  Austin Kleon, in this book he explains key takeaways like there is nothing wrong in copying a work/Art or a process to know yourself better and learn to create your own work. Most of the great things that have been created were always followed by work before. Here is a short piece on Steal Like an Artist book summary.

There is nothing new under the sun, so don’t be afraid to draw inspiration from different places

  • There is no such thing as an original idea, if you are search for an idea, stuck or looking for an original idea don’t fret. It simply isn’t there every time.
  • Any idea today is based on another that predates it either as a loose basis or a complete “rip-off”.
  • It might look like it is a theft to use someone else’s idea to make yours, but that is just what art is.
  • Call it indirect inspiration or musing, most of the ideas today grew out of older ones or are simply a continuation of them.
  • Don’t feel guilty if you find better application or interpretation for an idea.
  • You are encourages to surround yourself with material from which you can “steal”. Don’t read or give attention to anything that cannot inspire you to form a new idea.
  • Instead of rummaging through never-before-seen work of research, simply reach for an old text and get inspired.
  • School does not guarantee an education, So the belief of just going to school you would be well equipped to create novel ideas might be a myth for many.
  • It is your responsibility to get an education, regardless of whether you are in school or not.
  • Google stuff, go to the library, read as much as text possible. Knowledge is not static, so neither should your need for it be.
  • As you read, so as not to get swamped by the volume of random information, it is advisable to pick one artist/person/role model and just grow from there.
  • By studying one person you love/are interested in at a time, you are able to see into their own separate life and trace down any connections they might have.
  • Whatever Piece of information you come across that piques your interest, you should keep, always have the means to store for later, a camera or a sketchpad or a memory stick.
  • As is one who stores up inspiration for later use, the inspiration is usually such a thing that excites his mind into thought.

The best process is the process of creating art that defines and excites you.

  • Sometimes, we are limited by our own identity-or lack of one. We are scare to start something because we don’t yet know who we are in full and we don’t’ know what we want to do or how to do it.
  • Nobody is anybody when they’re born, this is where the artist in you has to come out to shine.
  • Genetically, we are a collection of our parent’s chromosomes but yeah that doesn’t define us, we become something else as a result of our own experiences and choices.
  • IF you fear starting on your idea that scares you, you should. Even though you don’t know what you are trying to do, let the uncertainty be your defining moment.

It is best to fake it till you make it.

  • We all have heroes in our various fields of interest, we may want to be as huge as them and maybe even bigger. To do so, we must study them and unravel the process behind their art.
  • Simply copying your hero will only make you a copycat and you’ll be in the shadow of your hero indefinitely.
  • To truly become your own person, you should study your heroes, don’t copy their work, instead break it down and find your own unique way to do it.
  • Imitation is flattery as long as you aren’t plagiarizing someone else’s work as yours.
  • Don’t afraid to fail, you will be you when you try and fail.
  • When you feel stuck, do what your like.
  • Decisive action will go a long way to help your life.
  •  Enjoy your side projects, as they can actually reek income.
  • The things you do more passionately will keep you happy, rather than the job you don’t like waking up to every morning.
  • “It takes a lot of energy to be creative. You don’t have that energy if you waste it on other stuff.”
  • Do good work & put it where people can see it
  • Appreciate the small audience you have in the beginning. Fewer eyes on your work relieves pressure and allows you to tinker and experiment until you get it right, but don’t be afraid to open up your audience.
  • Create great work, consistently improve, and share it with as many people as you can.
  • The further you travel, the more insights you gain and can add to your work. However, he notes that constraints can often be a blessing in disguise.
  • Surround yourself with creative and successful people who you aspire to be like. When you are around the best, you adapt to their level. 
  • Creativity requires the majority of your energy, so you have to take care of yourself through diet, exercise, and sleep. Predictable routines, good health and energy levels allow you to be most productive.

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